Please join fellow DFLers for our first policy panel of the year, 'Immigration and Trump 2.0: What to Know and How to Help.'
Southeast Minnesota is home to immigrants and refugees from all over the world and in every profession, from agriculture to medicine. How will immigration policy changes and deportations affect our community? What can we do to help? How can we change future policy for the better?
Panelists include:
-Senator Liz Boldon
-Rochester Mayor Kim Norton
-David Perdomo, COPAL
-Phil Wheeler, SE Minnesota Interfaith Immigrant Legal Defense (SMIILD)
-Immigration lawyer, TBD
We will have light refreshments, coffee, tea, cookies, and fruit.
To attend, please RSVP to this event or sign up by emailing Olmsted 20/24 DFL Chair, Will Harvey, at
We are working on a schedule of future monthly panels and legislative updates. Stay tuned!